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Language proficiency test requirement (Graduate Program)


Please provide a language proficiency test that is equivalent to or above TOEIC 600. The department may require a higher level. Please provide a language proficiency test certificate in accordance with the requirements of each department.
Applicants that meet any one of the following criteria are exempted from providing certificates of language proficiency.
  • For applicants applying for an English-taught program: 英文學程申請者

(1) Applicants from English as the official or common language countries (Belize, Canada, Commonwealth of Australia, Kingdom of Eswatini, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Singapore, Republic of South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines).


(2) Applicants whose previous degree was obtained from English as the official or common language countries (Belize, Canada, Commonwealth of Australia, Kingdom of Eswatini, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Singapore, Republic of South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)(proof required)

前一學位畢業於官方語言及通用語言為英語之國家的申請者(含貝里斯、加拿大、澳大利亞聯邦、史瓦帝尼王國、紐西蘭、愛爾蘭共和國、菲律賓共和國、新加坡共和國、南非共和國、大不列顛暨北愛爾蘭聯合王國、美利堅合眾國、聖露西亞、聖文森及格瑞那丁) (需檢附證明)
(3) Applicants whose previous degree was conducted in English. 申請者前一學歷以英語授課。
*If an applicant is not from the countries listed above, the department may consider his/her submitted documents to determine if his/her language proficiency is equivalent to applicants from countries where English is an official or commonly used language. If so, the applicant may be exempted from submitting language test certificates. 


  • For applicants applying for a Chinese-taught program: 中文學程申請者   

(1) Applicants whose native language is Chinese(Mandarin). A Chinese self-statement is required.
(2) Applicants whose previous degree was conducted in Chinese(Mandarin). Proofs required.
(3) Applicants who have previously majored in Chinese(Mandarin). Proofs required.


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